Category: New and Events

After 2 years of waiting in Milan, the Hardware Forum is finally back.
A very successful event that took place in conjunction with Bricoday and which saw great enthusiasm from exhibitors and visitors.

We are really happy to be back and to have been part of this event after 2 years of forced stop.
The large influx of visitors to our stand made us understand that you too are willingly participating in this rebirth and we were really thrilled to have met you and to have made you part of our program and our projects.

We are developing new product lines and implementing new sales services to offer you an increasingly unique collaboration.
You will surely have noticed our new packaging, the result of careful market research that allows us to always keep up with the times and with the new needs of the customer to give you an increasingly complete and updated sales experience.

THANK YOU for the trust you show us every day! And THANK YOU for not missing the Hardware Forum!
See you at the next event!


With the winter arrival, drivers in Italy, from November 15th to April 15th, are required to fit winter tires or have snow chains on board. If you are stopped by the police and you do not fulfill the obligation, the penalties are very high and vary depending on the road on which you are driving. Attention, there is also a reduction of the points on the driving license. Now, as an alternative to tires and snow chains, there are Snow Socks, easy to use and fit and very useful in an emergency. However, these socks must be APPROVED.



From July 2020, both for SNOW CHAINS and SNOW SOCKS, if the product passes the strict tests, the new EN 16662-1 HOMOLOGATION is issued, valid for both products in all states of the European Union. Our Snow Socks have already obtained this important certification.


Find out our ACTIVE SERIES Snow Socks here:


Hardware Forum Italy è “la Fiera della Ferramenta”, e si svolge il 22/23 settembre a Milano.
DAC srl sarà presente allo stand E35-E36.

Dal sito ufficiale di Hardware Forum (qui):

Hardware Forum si rivolge al variegato mondo della distribuzione di prodotti e articoli tecnici per ferramenta, utensilerie, colorifici, rivendite edili e industria.
Le principali categorie di visitatori sono:
Grossisti, buyer delle grandi catene di ferramenta, titolari di negozi di ferramenta, utensilerie e colorifici, produttori e importatori, agenti, società di servizi, distributori e decision makers del mondo dell’industria e della manutenzione.
I settori merceologici esposti sono: Utensili manuali, utensili elettrici e accessori, equipaggiamento per officine e aziende, antinfortunistica, fissaggio, ferramenta per mobili, finestre e minuteria metallica, colore e vernici, impianti di sicurezza, prodotti chimici, rifiniture d’interni, edilizia leggera, accessori per l’auto, giardinaggio

Come di consuetudine, anche quest’anno Hardware Forum sarà in concomitanza con BricoDay.


Our digital layout editor creates a virtual image of how the setted up sales area would look like.
It gives an immediate overview of the shelves and makes the physical installation easier.

We introduced this new service aiming to make more customized and unique the relationship with each of our clients.
The virtual project of the sales area is indeed designed on the specifics each point of sale. It’s guaranteed that the actual set up will look the same as shown in the virtual image.

One of the most important advantages of this service is being able to instantly see how all the items would look on the shelves, without having to wait for the physical installation. This means that make changes is easy as clicking.
The virtual design will also be helpful when placing the items. The digital layout is almost close to reality, so the image can be used as an accurate guide on where and how to place the products.

The digital layout need just 3 informations to begin with:

  1. The size of each module
  2. The total number of modules
  3. The chosen product families

The more accurate the data are, and the more accurate the design would be. With very specific data on the type of shelves (if with perforated back, for example) or on the size of the shelf, the result would perfectly suit the sales point. Headers and displays can also be added it the virtual project. All of these information come also useful to optimize the exhibition space and to maximize its profitability.
The product offer plays also an important part when it comes to profitability. That’s why the products can be freely chosen by the client to match its sales targets. Alternatively, we provide set ups proposed by us with high-rotating products, always based on the type of customer and the product families they are interested in. The seasonality is already forcasted in our proposals, with products that can be switched following the sales periods.

We believe the digital layout is an essential element for a sales point that is going trough a renew or a new opening.


The Update 01/2021 catalog is now available in digital copy.
We also introduced a procedure for notifying when a new item is prompt delivery.

There are more than 100 new products, starting from new LED car bulbs and variations of the halogen ones. The bike line has been updated too, with accessories and brand new multipurpose pockets.
The Maranello brands is aiming higher with a new line of professional products, in both design and result.
We also updated the packaging of some of our current items.

You can already find all of these products in the “New In” section of our website.

Continue reading “The Update 01/2021 catalog is out now”


Molte attività commerciali si trovano a dover temporaneamente chiudere quando la propria regione entra in zona rossa.
In base al DPCM 02/03/2021 chi è nel settore degli accessori auto può continuare però a rimanere aperto.

Stando all’attuale normativa, il settore dell’automotive e dell’accessorio rientra tra quelli che non subiscono la sospensione temporanea.
Chiunque si occupi della vendita al pubblico di accessori auto può continuare a farlo anche in zona rossa. Supermercati e negozi di questo tipo possono rimanere aperti.

Vediamo nel dettaglio la normativa in vigore a cui facciamo riferimento, cioè il DPCM del 2 marzo 2021.
Al Punto 1 dell’Art. 45 “Attività commerciali” del Capo V “Misure di contenimento del contagio che si applicano in Zona rossa”, possiamo leggere:

“Sono sospese le attività commerciali al dettaglio, fatta eccezione per le attività di vendita di generi alimentari e di prima necessità individuate nell’allegato 23, sia negli esercizi di vicinato sia nelle medie e grandi strutture di vendita, anche ricompresi nei centri commerciali, purché sia consentito l’accesso alle sole predette attività e ferme restando le chiusure nei giorni festivi e prefestivi di cui all’art. 26, comma 2.”


L’elenco di attività contenute nell’Allegato 23 cita in particolare (come da estratto seguente):

“Commercio di autoveicoli, motocicli e relative parti ed accessori”

Risulta quindi chiaro che non viene posto alcun limite al nostro settore, che può pertanto continuare la sua regolare attività.


Ecco di seguito le fonti delle informazioni citate in questo articolo.

Tutti i riferimenti citati sono reperibili all’interno del Decreto del Presidente del Consiglio dei Ministri (DPCM) 2 marzo 2021, a disposizione sul sito della Gazzetta Ufficiale, a questo link:

È possibile scaricare l’Allegato 23 nell’apposita sezione al precedente link. Di seguito invece la versione integrale con il passaggio d’interesse evidenziato:


Our brand new website is live!

This will be the primary source for keeping in touch with DAC srl: from new products to the events we’re going to attend, and everything concerning our stakeholders.

An useful feature of this website are the product pages. There’s one for each item in our catalogue.
That’s where you’ll find every piece of information you need for knowing more about our products and to sell them. You’ll find how to use them, techincal sheets and descriptions, along with other downloadable material.

For our commercial stakeholders we reserved the Business Area, where you’ll find everything you need to engage or manage a commercial intercourse with us.

Stay tuned, on this website, for more news to come!